
Our sons Charles George Fitzpatrick and Henry Michael Fitzpatrick were born prematurely on November 16, 2013 at a gestational age of 24 weeks and 1 day. Their "due date" was March 7th, 2014. We started this site on November 28th.

Both Aly and David will be posting to the site. While you will probably be able to tell who is writing by our writing styles, we will sign off on our entries with our initials so you will be sure of the author.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Penny Lane

One of the many books I have read about The Beatles makes the point that "there are few more LSD-redolent phrases in The Beatles' output than the line in which the nurse 'feels as if she's in a play'... and 'is anyway'". This week has felt a little like a hallucination. Having Charlie home with us was filled with moments of disbelief. I hate being a cliche but we really didn't let ourselves believe it could happen and then it did. 

When I took the day off to take him to his out-patient appointments, it was full-on proud daddy, normal baby stuff. When the day ended up with me checking him back into the NICU it truly felt like a trip. I felt like I was watching the scene play out - but I was in it. 

The hospital was fantastic about it. Charlie is next to Henry and has the same doctor and it is as convenient for us as a family as it could possibly be. 

I mentioned before that Henry had an infection. It has set him back a long way and it is truly shocking proof to us how badly infections will affect our boys. His infection was in his scar where he had abdominal surgery but the symptoms were all in his lungs. He is back on a nasal cannula to get him extra oxygen. Looking at it from a a bad luck point of view, he had an infection that turned out to be resistant to the most used antibiotic for that infection. From a good luck point of view, this time in the hospital has shown how fragile Henry is and made sure that, when he comes out, we know how to care for him. 


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