
Our sons Charles George Fitzpatrick and Henry Michael Fitzpatrick were born prematurely on November 16, 2013 at a gestational age of 24 weeks and 1 day. Their "due date" was March 7th, 2014. We started this site on November 28th.

Both Aly and David will be posting to the site. While you will probably be able to tell who is writing by our writing styles, we will sign off on our entries with our initials so you will be sure of the author.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Henry is post-op, so we worry. However, today (Saturday), we "looked at the baby" and he looks good. Aly is better than I am at the "look at the baby" technique. This is where you take your eyes off of the worrying heart rate or blood test result and make a judgment on how sick (or not) you think the baby really is by looking at him. 

Charlie is skipping his way down the yellow brick road to going home. He is breathing well and feeding and pooping as hoped so far. 

Aly and I share the opinion that it is better if the nurse knows the boys and Aly works hard to make sure that happens. Saturday, we had a nurse that didn't know them. However, she knew of them and, by the time we arrived, she had caught up on their history. She was really friendly and regularly asked for Aly's help and input. It was a good reminder that, even though we are really happy when our "primary" nurses are taking care of the boys, there are lots of great nurses in the hospital. 

A few days ago, we left a camera up at the hospital and asked the night nurses to take some pictures. We got to know the night nurses through phone calls more than face to face but early starts or late finishes at the hospital have meant that Aly, at least, has met most of them now. It turns out that the night team are not just great care-givers but they are also great photographers. 



  1. OMG!!! THESE PICTURES I CAN"T!!! Thank you for the update. Love these pictures. Sending light to all of you. xoxo

  2. What a great idea! These pictures are great. Sending continued well wishes to your family.
