
Our sons Charles George Fitzpatrick and Henry Michael Fitzpatrick were born prematurely on November 16, 2013 at a gestational age of 24 weeks and 1 day. Their "due date" was March 7th, 2014. We started this site on November 28th.

Both Aly and David will be posting to the site. While you will probably be able to tell who is writing by our writing styles, we will sign off on our entries with our initials so you will be sure of the author.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

On Track

Just a short post to let everyone know that we are fine. Things have continued to go well. Charlie is now getting all of his nutrition from feeds. We think he might get to come home on April 7. 

Henry is doing well too. He started feeds and we are watching how that goes. 

In excited anticipation of taking them home, Aly and I bought them a new car. It's red, to celebrate Aberdeen's cup success. 



  1. OMG. OMG!! Oh. My. God!!!!!! Babies are going home!!!!!!!!! New cars are being purchased, nurseries are being decorated, hand sanitizer is up. This sh*t is getting real! Well done Fitzies!!!

  2. Love the fighting fitzie mobile. Such incredible developments. I am so very happy for all of you!!! Love you all very much!
