
Our sons Charles George Fitzpatrick and Henry Michael Fitzpatrick were born prematurely on November 16, 2013 at a gestational age of 24 weeks and 1 day. Their "due date" was March 7th, 2014. We started this site on November 28th.

Both Aly and David will be posting to the site. While you will probably be able to tell who is writing by our writing styles, we will sign off on our entries with our initials so you will be sure of the author.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Charlie has a Tough Day

Today, Charlie had his eye exam, he had multiple blood draws to help treat the circulation issue, they decided to give him a blood transfusion, he got a new PICC line and he had his photo taken. The general consensus is that his pulse is coming back well. All going well, he is getting extubated on Thursday morning.

Henry concentrated on growing and breathing... And got his photo taken.



  1. Hope the last two days were a little gentler on wee man C. I have been sending you all so much love.

  2. Look at Henry!! Giving someone the side eye, I seeing your boys growing!!
