
Our sons Charles George Fitzpatrick and Henry Michael Fitzpatrick were born prematurely on November 16, 2013 at a gestational age of 24 weeks and 1 day. Their "due date" was March 7th, 2014. We started this site on November 28th.

Both Aly and David will be posting to the site. While you will probably be able to tell who is writing by our writing styles, we will sign off on our entries with our initials so you will be sure of the author.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Aly has resigned two perfectly good coffee cups to the back of the cupboard in our kitchen because she has decided they are bad luck. She admitted this one to me and also told me that there are quite a few other superstitions going on and that I didn't need to know about them all. 

There's also a lot of praying going on. People who pray all the time are turning it up a notch or two and people who haven't prayed for a long time have decided to pick it back up. Aly told me that a friend of hers added Charlie and Henry to the prayer list at her mega church in Tennessee, so that's like 3,000 prayers at one time. If prayers were like screams in Monsters Inc. we could power the whole of Texas. 

We met another NICU parent today. Her son died at 1 week and her daughter is still in NICU at 10 months. She lives 3 hours away from Houston and lives at the Ronald McDonald house, a charity funded place for parents. I am sure my friend Pauline taught me that McDonalds were 100% pure evil but that seems like a nice thing to do. Anyway, I bring her up because she said she stays sane thanks to her prayers and her knowledge that God has a plan for her. 

Some people believe in God, some don't. Some people believe that the coffee cup they drink from in the morning could affect the events of the day. Most don't. Since our time in the NICU I now believe in The Breathing Angel.

Aly has asked me to not name the health care providers so I will call the Breathing Angel, BA. BA was the respiratory therapist (RT) when Henry was born and I remember thinking at the time, when I had no idea what he did, that he had an aura. Our boys can't breathe on their own yet. Their ventilators are essential and get attention from a RT every few hours and BA is one of that team. However, it was the day that BA helped to re-intubate Charlie that he got his name. There was another lesser event on that same day when BA just floated in and gave breath to Henry. Call it coincidence if you want, but when our boys need to breathe, BA seems to be around. So, if you are one of our praying friends, next time do me a favor and say a little thanks for the Breathing Angel for me. 



  1. I love you BA. You Charlie and Henry. Fitzy and Aly.

  2. Prayers for the breathing angel. Prayers for you HB. Prayers for Aly. So many prayers for your two little bravehearts C and H. Prayers for the medical staff and prayers for everyone in that church in ten and prayers for everyone praying for all of you. I have some people that are like the equivalent of "the prayer mafia" hard core seasoned prayers that are not to be messed with. You are on their radar. Your monsters inc reference as a gem and a perfect way to describe it. All this love and light your way sure can't hurt. I have typed too much I think I am just so relived you guys had a quiet day. Lots of love to you all.

    1. Wow that was horrible grammar! Sorry fitzies! xoxo

  3. Man that Ronald. Just when you have an evidence base for the evil, bam the surprise. It's a bit like Dexter you know.

  4. I can't pray, but I do think about you guys every morning when I wake up, wondering what sort of day you've had.
    And I hope for positive things for you all, which is the same thing as praying, I guess. So now I'll think good things about BA too!

  5. I believe in angels. I will definitely say a prayer of thanksgiving for BA.

  6. Add 600 more voices to the list of those praying for the Fighting Fitzies. These "voices" are coming from Christ Church Cathedral, Houston.
